Maranatha After Campus Fest

Layanan Alumni Direktorat Kemahasiswaaan dan Alumni, mempersembahkan Maranatha After Campus Fest 2021

* Webinar “How To Lead and Overcome New Season” by Sunjoyo Soe, M.Si (Alumni Fak. Bisnis Maranatha)
* Stand Up Comedy by Gianluigi Christoikov, S.E (Alumni Fak. Bisnis UK Maranatha)
* Hymne Maranatha by Alumni MCUC
* Special Performance by Alumni VOM

✨Guest Star : Evernine- Most Hitz R&B Band in mid 2000’s✨

📆 Jumat, 3 Desember 2021
🕒 17.00 – 19.00
Daftarkan segera di
* Free T-Shirt Alumni (bagi 100 pendaftar pertama)
* 50 Door Prize & Give Away (saat acara berlangsung)
* Free Registration (Alumni Maranatha)

Let’s join the event and see you!